5th Grade

Resources for Students

Dear Parents and Students,

Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Waltz would like to welcome you to the PCK Online Music Class! All of the links below are from the Core Knowledge Curriculum and feature pieces by famous composers and traditional/folk songs to learn. We are currently finishing our composing unit (see Google Classroom). Parents please have your student login to Noteflight and play you their pieces, they are seriously amazing!

We were just going to start our Famous Composers and Core Knowledge Songs unit when we learned we'd be doing remote learning. These links are intended to be used at their leisure, after their core subjects are finished for the day. These should be fun activities for them. Additionally there will be a weekly question and assignment on Google Classroom that we'd love for them to participate in. Further down the posted list we have some Musical Boredom Busters (online music games) if your kiddo feels so inclined!

5th Grade Songs

(all of the links below are YouTube links. We highly advise AdBlocking software to help maintain the educational value of each link)

Famous Composers

Beethoven: Symphony No 5

Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition

Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night's Dream

Renaissance Composer Josquin Desprez: Ave Maria

Renaissance Composer John Dowland: Music for the Lute

Core Knowledge Songs (sing a long songs)

Battle Hymn of the Republic

Danny Boy

Git Along Little Dogies

God Bless America


The Happy Wanderer

Havah Nagilah: Israeli Dance

If I Had a Hammer

Red River Valley (w guitar chords)

Sakura (Japanese folk song)

Shenandoah (a capella)

Sweet Betsy from Pike

Games and Boredom Busters

TONS of Games Click Here

Assignments and other activities are found at

Mrs. Waltz's 5th Grade Music Google Classroom